How to Modify Child Custody in Indiana

Let’s take a look at why and how you can modify your child custody arrangements with the support of a skilled family law attorney.

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June 10, 2024

Circumstances change, and your family plans have to keep pace with your life. If either parent has recently had major financial changes, found a new place of work, moved, the preferences of your child have changed, or there are concerns for your child’s well-being, you may want to consider modifying your child custody order. 

Your trusted Indianapolis area child custody lawyer, Lacy Law Office, LLC is here to help you make informed decisions for your family. Let’s take a look at why and how you can modify your child custody arrangements with the support of a skilled family law attorney. 

Grounds for Modifying Child Custody

To modify a child custody order in Indiana there must be a substantial and continuing change in circumstances such as:

  • Changes in the child’s wishes
  • Relocation
  • Changes in financial status
  • Health and safety concerns
  • Substance abuse
  • Neglect or abuse
  • Domestic Violence
  • An arrest or conviction

Filing a Petition for Modification

Requesting a change of custody in Indiana can seem like a simple process. It’s relatively easy to file a petition to modify an existing parenting time or custody. However, securing approval from the Court is the real challenge, and often requires the support of an experienced Indiana family law attorney. Our experienced counsel can guide you through your custody proceedings, and help to ensure your child’s best interests are protected every step of the way.

Legal Standards for Modifying Child Custody

The court cannot modify a child custody order unless it’s in the best interests of the child, and there is a major change in one or more of the factors in the best interest of the child checklist:

  • Age and sex of the child
  • Wishes of the child’s parents
  • Wishes of the child - wishes of children 14 or older hold more sway
  • Child’s relationship with their parents and siblings
  • Child’s adjustment to home, school, and community
  • Mental and physical health of the child and parents
  • Evidence of violence by a parent
  • Evidence that a de facto custodian cared or cares for the child

Court Hearings

A mutual agreement between the parents is the most likely to be approved. However, without an agreement, the parties must appear in court to present their arguments for or against the proposed changes. A skilled child custody lawyer from Lacy Law Office, LLC can help ensure your rights are protected and your child’s best interests are at the forefront of the process.

Why Should You Choose Lacy Law Office, LLC in Central Indiana?

Our team understands the emotional challenges that come with child custody matters and is dedicated to helping you through the legal system with compassion and skilled advice. Whether you want to modify a custody arrangement or defend against a modification request, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Lacy Law Office, LLC is Here for Your Family, Reach Out Today

You want the best for your child. Contact Lacy Law Office, LLC now to schedule a consultation with our experienced Indianapolis and Marion County child custody lawyers. Let us help you make the changes you need for you and your loved ones - because we help families with their legal needs.